Stop talking about worship like it’s just music. Here’s how. (Video)

We all know worship isn’t just music. But how often do we talk like it is?

Maybe you don’t even realize you’re doing it.

You use phrases like, “Let’s stand and worship together.” But you only say that when you’re about to sing.

You might refer to your service as “worship and the word.”

You call your band the “worship team.”

How do you break out of the habit of using these phrases and intentionally teach your church that worship is more than just music?

Well, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel I just released a video called "Stop talking about worship like it’s just music. Here’s how."⁠

In the video, you’ll learn some other ways you can start talking about worship to teach your church that it isn’t all about music.

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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading

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I took over a worship ministry. Here’s the first thing I did. (Video)


The 30 worship songs I sing at my church. (Video)