Stop talking about worship like it’s just music. Here’s how. (Video)
We all know worship isn’t just music. But how often do we talk like it is?
Maybe you don’t even realize you’re doing it.
You use phrases like, “Let’s stand and worship together.” But you only say that when you’re about to sing.
You might refer to your service as “worship and the word.”
You call your band the “worship team.”
How do you break out of the habit of using these phrases and intentionally teach your church that worship is more than just music?…
5 worship leading books you’ve never heard of. (Must reads!) (Video)
I’ve been reading a ton of books about worship leading lately.
You probably already know about some that I’ve read…
I found instructions for worship from 1761. (Video)
“Sing lustily!”
Those are the interesting instructions I found in a document from 1761 about directions for singing in church.
Can you guess who wrote those words?…
The Practice Of Worship (Sermon) (Video)
Worship should KILL us.
Those are the words I preached to my church a few weeks ago.
Think about it, a perfect, infinitely, holy God allows miserable sinners to have fellowship with Him. Amazing…
Who is the church service for: Believers or Unbelievers? (/w @heyworshipleader) (Video)
Who is the church service for? When we lead worship, are we leading believers? Unbelievers?
Both at the same time?…
Is God present in our worship service? (Theological discussion) (Video)
Is God present in our worship service?
There is much talk today about the "presence of God" felt and experienced during our corporate worship gatherings. But what does that phrase "presence of God" actually mean?…
God does NOT inhabit our praise. (Video)
Ever heard that "God inhabits the praise of his people?"... well I'm not buying it.
I know I know... the King James Version translation of Psalm 22:3 says God inhabitest the praises of Israel. But I want to suggest that that either 1. isn't a good translation of the verse OR 2. it simply doesn't mean what we think it means.
And, to be honest, it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't understand these 5 words of the Bible. But it HAS become a big deal when we've based our entire understanding of contemporary corporate worship theology on 5 words that don't really mean what we think they mean…
Level Up Your Theology → Level Up Your Worship Leading (Video)
Want to level up your worship leading? Level up your theology…
3 Truths About Worship That You NEED To Teach Your Church
As a worship leader, you aren't just a song leader. You have the opportunity to TEACH your church.
Even if you don't have the official title, chances are you are pastoring your church in some capacity when you lead on Sunday mornings…
How Church Culture Affects Congregational Engagement During Worship
"Church culture" - it's sort of a buzz word on the internet these days.
It's that invisible, intangible thing that subconsciously directs the decisions you make and, ultimately, how people respond to things in your church…
Saturday Challenge - See Your Worship Leading As Worship
I challenge you to see your worship leading AS worship tomorrow…
How To Worship While You Lead Worship (Video)
In this video, I share one thing you can do before you lead worship, one thing you can do while you lead worship, and a bit of theology that will help you see worship leading as worship…