3 Truths About Worship That You NEED To Teach Your Church
As a worship leader, you aren't just a song leader. You have the opportunity to TEACH your church.
Even if you don't have the official title, chances are you are pastoring your church in some capacity when you lead on Sunday mornings.
You have the opportunity to raise up your church's understanding of what it means to worship.
And there are some key understandings about worship that need to be reinforced over and over again.
Here are 3 truths about worship that you NEED to teach your church:
1 | When we gather, we are worshipping TOGETHER
All too often, our words and actions lead people to the understanding that they are meant to show up on Sunday morning, sit in the same chair they always sit in, and have their own personal time of worship.
But, when you and your church gather for CORPORATE worship, it is meant to be done TOGETHER.
Your church members can and should have their own personal times of worship throughout the entire week. Sunday mornings, however, are the one time they have to worship TOGETHER.
So, highlight that unity and the responsibility that your church has to each other during your services on Sunday mornings.
Focus on leading less "personal worship moments" and more "corporate worship moments."
2 | Worship doesn't START when we start singing
Worship has become synonymous with singing. You know that that's not the only way to worship - but a lot of the people who attend your church every Sunday don't!
We even let that idea creep into how we welcome people on Sunday mornings: "Good morning everyone! Let's stand and worship!"
Teach your church that worship doesn't START when we start singing and it doesn't stop when we say "Amen" at the end of our closing prayer. True worship continues as we get in our cars and head home, as we glorify God through our work during the week, and how we interact with our family and friends throughout the week - it's all worship!
3 | Worship isn't about US
While we do receive benefits from worshiping God, worship is not primarily about us. It's about God.
Teach your church this truth by picking less "me focused" songs and more "God focused" songs.
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