God does NOT inhabit our praise. (Video)
Ever heard that "God inhabits the praise of his people?"... well I'm not buying it.
I know I know... the King James Version translation of Psalm 22:3 says God inhabitest the praises of Israel. But I want to suggest that that either 1. isn't a good translation of the verse OR 2. it simply doesn't mean what we think it means.
And, to be honest, it wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't understand these 5 words of the Bible. But it HAS become a big deal when we've based our entire understanding of contemporary corporate worship theology on 5 words that don't really mean what we think they mean.
Allow me to explain more - over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "God does NOT inhabit our praise."
In the video, I'll share with you why that verse doesn't mean what many worship leaders think it means. AND, more importantly, how that faulty understanding of 5 words impacts how we lead worship.
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