I wish every worship leader could watch this. (Video)
I wish every worship leader could watch the video I just posted. It would bring so much freedom in how they lead worship.
Do you feel that heavy pressure of having to perform every single Sunday over and over and over again? Then, you wake up on Monday and realize in six short days you have ANOTHER service to plan for. Plus, this time has to be bigger and better than the last one.
It's a vicious cycle that God never intended for you to be a part of. There is a better way!
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "I wish every worship leader could watch this."
In the video, you'll learn how causal worship (not casual... cause-al) is tiring. When we try to cause things to happen in our worship services, we get burnt out. But God doesn't call us to CAUSE things to happen, He calls us to RESPOND to what He's already done. The worship leading pressure we feel is instantly lifted when we understand that simple truth!
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.