3 Encouragements Before You Lead Worship This Christmas
So close! You've almost made it to Christmas!
Ironically, what's supposed to be one of the happiest times of the year, can quickly become the most chaotic and discouraging - especially for worship leaders. You look at the list of what you feel like you still need to get done before the big day and overwhelm sets in.
So, take a few moments to receive some encouragement and reorient your focus in these final days leading up to Christmas.
Here are 3 encouragements before you lead worship this Christmas:
1 | You get to tell the greatest story every told
God sent his son to earth in human flesh to die for us so that we could be reconnected to him and experience the relationship he had desired with us since the beginning of time.
That's the story you get to carry with you this Christmas season!
Come on! That's a great message.
The Christmas story means that we can freely enter into the presence of God because of what Jesus did for us. It means we can experience relationship with him because Jesus has made a way. It means that we no longer have to wait for a Savior to come like people did for thousands of years because .... HE ALREADY CAME!
Keep that story in front of you as you lead this Christmas!
2 | You get to tell it to people who don't hear it often
Not only do you get to carry that story with you this season. You get to tell it to people who don't hear it often OR maybe have never even heard it before.
If there's one time the unchurched will consider coming to church, it's Christmas. And this season there will be a bunch of people who have never heard the Christmas story before that come to your church.
When you lead worship this Christmas, you have the opportunity to point them to the story you know is true and life-changing!
3 | You are more prepared than you think
I know you don't feel prepared. It seems like you've got a million things to still complete. But, let me assure you, you are more prepared than you think!
I know the worship leaders in the Leading Worship Well community care about leading well - so trust the preparation you've put in and relax! You've got this!
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