3 Encouragements For Worship Leaders Headed Into Online Easter
Yeah... Easter's going to be different this year.
There are a lot of unknowns as worship leaders all over the world head into their first online Easter.
So, let me share some encouragement as you finish your final preparations for Sunday.
Here are 3 encouragements for worship leaders heading into online Easter:
1 | The METHOD might have changed but the MESSAGE hasn't
Like I said: things are different this year.
But, that's only true when it comes to the METHOD you get to use to lead worship. Maybe that method is now online or you're doing a "drive-in" service. Whatever it is, there is no doubt the METHOD is different for Easter this year.
The thing that hasn't changed is the MESSAGE. You still get to lead your church in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
So, in the midst of everything that is changing and uncertain, hold onto that truth. Our reason for celebrating and leading our church hasn't changed!
2 | Avoid the comparison trap
I'm sure it's already started for you. You open up Facebook on Sunday afternoon and your timeline is filled with the livestream of every church that has ever existed in the existence of planet Earth. And you can't help but check a few out.
It's so easy to get discouraged when you see what other churches are able to pull off in their livestreams compared to what your church is doing.
But remember, first of all, this isn't a competition. We are all in this together - this is the universal Church at work.
Second, your church family isn't asking for you to have amazing production quality. They just want to hear from you because they trust you to lead them.
So, stop comparing your church to other churches and faithfully lead the people God has placed in your church - whether that's with thousands of dollars worth of equipment or just your iPhone.
3 | There will be NEW people who watch your livestream - lead like it
Easter is still a special day for a lot of people. People who haven't been to church all year or watched a livestream WILL tune in for Easter Sunday - so lead like that's true.
Use language that leads new people - don't just assume everyone has been watching your livestream for the past month.
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