3 Non-Musical Ways to Lead People in Worship
Worship leaders, we know worship is more than music so let's prove it.
Here are 3 non-musical ways you can lead your church in worship:
1 | Video
This has become more popular recently but it's easy to not set it up in the proper way. When we fail to set video up properly it merely becomes entertainment.
How do you set it up? Either the video has to be super clear in it's objective or you need to prepare people for it.
For Easter, my church's creative team put together a video opener. This video directly tied into the series we were going through on Freedom. The objective was super clear. The video spoke for itself and the preparation for the video happened through the sermon series in the weeks leading up to it.
We've shown videos before that needed explaining. You can prepare people by explaining that the video is meant for reflection, learning, and celebration.
2 | Scripture reading
This is an often overlooked element in our "time of worship." It's easy to think our responsibility is to lead music and nothing else. But scripture is another way we can worship in a corporate setting. Try setting up a song with a relevant scripture. Explain to your church that not only is singing worship, but reading, understanding, and responding to scripture is an act of worship too.
3 | Time of prayer
Lastly, you can lead your church through a time of prayer. This is different than you simply praying out loud. This enables people to respond to God on their own deepening their relationship with him.
For example, if you're singing How Great Is Our God, walk people through the process of praying directly to God by saying something like: "Take a moment to tell God how he has been great in your life. Thank him for the things that he's done."
Worship leaders, let's not let our worship leading be limited to music - take your church deeper!
5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.