3 Places To Introduce A New Song Before Sunday Morning
Introducing a new song to your church can be a tricky thing (that's why I did a whole series on it called "Introducing New Worship Songs To Your Church | The Ultimate Guide" on the LWW YouTube Channel.
The first time you lead a song, obviously nobody knows it. So, maybe you start off by teaching the chorus. Or perhaps you take a few moments to explain the meaning behind the song so people understand what they're singing. These are both great ideas and things that you should definitely do!
But, what if there was another step that could enhance the way you lead a song for the first time on a Sunday morning? What if there were areas where you could introduce that new song in advance before Sunday morning even happens? Well, there is! There are tons of moments throughout the week where you have the opportunity to introduce your church to a new song before Sunday morning comes around. If you utilize these areas to introduce a new worship song, you can go into Sunday morning confident that at least some people have heard it before.
Here are 3 places you can introduce a new song before Sunday morning:
1 | Worship rehearsal
You've got to introduce your team to the new song at some point (they're going to be the ones playing it after all). So why not use it as an opportunity to allow them to worship and gauge how people might respond to hearing it for the first time. It gives you a chance to practice explaining the meaning behind the song and teaching it too!
2 | Leadership meeting
Get your leadership team involved! If your leadership team has a meeting during the week, bring the song to them. They'd love to worship before they get down to business. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to get their feedback on the song. Ask them what they think and how the truth in the song might help people respond to what's going on in their lives.
3 | Midweek gathering
This is your chance to pre-introduce the song to a good chunk of your church. If you have a midweek gathering (bible study, small groups, etc.), use it as a moment to teach some of your church the song so they're ready to help you lead it on Sunday.
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