3 Questions To Ask To "Check Your Heart" Before You Lead Worship This Sunday
One of the biggest temptations in worship leading is PRIDE.
Anytime you have a platform, there's a temptation to become prideful.
And leading worship in front of your church on Sundays is a BIG platform. You have the opportunity to lead your church every Sunday.
It's an important role!
Because it's such an important role, it's even more necessary to do it humbly and "check our hearts" before we lead.
Over time, our motivations for leading can change and, in order to keep the right perspective, we need to constantly check ourselves.
Here are 3 questions to "check your heart" before you lead worship this Sunday:
1 | "What do I enjoy most about leading worship?"
What do you actually like about leading worship? Be completely honest.
It's fun to play with a group of musicians.
It's enjoyable to have a team you connect with and serve alongside.
It's good to have a place to regularly play music.
And none of those things are inherently bad. BUT they aren't the main reason we should enjoy leading worship.
If our main enjoyment from leading worship isn't seeing people encounter God, we need to refocus our priorities.
2 | "If I didn't get to lead worship at church anymore - would I still go?"
This is a tricky one.
At face value, you'd probably answer yes.
But let's take it deeper.
If you didn't get to lead worship, would you still go to church AS MUCH?
If you didn't get to lead worship, would you still be as involved in the life of your church?
If you didn't get to lead worship, how would the way you function in your church change?
3 | "What would be left of my personal faith if I no longer led worship?"
It's so easy to get caught up in doing spiritual disciplines for the sake of your worship leading and not for the sake of your soul.
Maybe you read your Bible just so you have something to say on Sundays.
Maybe you only worship at home when you run through your set list for Sundays.
Maybe you only connect with other people in your church so that you can know how to lead them on Sundays.
If you no longer led worship, would you still do those things?
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