3 Reasons It's Okay To Lead The Same Worship Songs Over And Over Again
Do you ever feel like you've sung a worship song too often and your church is probably tired of it?
Well, the truth is: usually your church ISN'T tired of it.
In fact, by the time you're tired of a song, your church is probably just starting to like it.
We can repeat worship songs A LOT more than we think.
Here are 3 reasons it's okay to lead the same worship songs over and over again:
1 | It takes time for your church to LEARN a song
Honestly, for the first 3 or 4 times you lead a song, your church has no idea how to sing it. It's completely new to them.
Think about how many times you have to listen to a song to truly learn it: probably at least 5 or 6 times... and you're a musician!
Now think about the average person in your congregation - they aren't a musician AND they aren't going home and listening to the songs you just led on Sunday. That means that Sunday mornings are the ONLY time they hear a song.
Let's be generous and say it takes a church member 8 times of listening to a song to learn it. That means that you can lead a song for two months in a row and your church won't be tired of it - they'll just finally be starting to truly sing it.
Not to mention the average church goer only attends one Sunday a month - so the majority of your church won't know how to sing a song until after 8 months!
2 | It takes time for your church to UNDERSTAND a song
Not only does it take time for your church to learn a song musically - it take them time to understand it theologically.
The goal of musical worship isn't to just learn how to sing a song - it's to understand WHAT you're singing.
And that understanding takes time.
3 | People don't hear worship songs as often as you do
Keep in mind that you hear/play worship songs WAY more often than your church.
You listen to it a few times to make sure it's a song you want to lead. Then, you listen to it again to learn it musically. After that, you run through it with your worship team a few times. Then, you finally lead it on Sunday.
By the time your church hears a song once, you've already heard it 10 times!
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