3 Reasons To Stop Introducing So Many New Worship Songs
It just feels right, doesn't it? To be constantly introducing new songs to your church. At least once a month. For some of us, multiple times a month.
Because people don't want to sing the same songs over and over again. Because there's this really cool new song that everyone else is leading at their church. Because the Bible commands us to "sing a NEW song."
But, what if your affinity for constantly introducing new songs to your church is actually not the right move?
Here are 3 reasons to stop introducing so many new worship songs:
1 | The average church attender only comes once a month
Ever wonder why it takes so long for your church to finally learn a song? It's because the average church attender isn't there every week. In fact, they only come once a month. So, that means that if you introduce a new song every month, every time they come to church they will have to learn a new song.
Now, part of that responsibility falls on them to come to church more often, BUT you still have to recognize that that is the context that you are leading in.
2 | Your worship team doesn't have time to learn that many songs (at least not learn them well)
Forget about your congregation for a second... what about your worship team? Are you giving them the necessary time to learn a new song? And not just to fudge their way through it but actually play it well. Chances are your team is not a professional band. They can't learn a new song every week.
3 | People are not "sick and tired" of singing the same songs every Sunday
The real reason worship leaders introduce so many new songs is because they think people are tired of the songs already in their repertoire. But, 99% of the time, that's not the case. People WISH you would sing the songs that they know more often.
The problem is, worship leaders have a different perspective than their congregation when it comes to songs. For every 10 times you've heard/played through a song, your congregation has only heard/sang it once. That means you should take a song that you are starting to feel tired of and sing it TEN more times!
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