3 Reasons You Can't Find More Volunteers For Your Worship Team
Do you struggle with finding more volunteers for your worship team? Welcome to the club!
Every worship leader wishes they had more people who could serve on their worship team. If you just had a few more people... your band would sound fuller. If you just had a few more people... you could give your current members a week off every once in a while. If you just had a few more people... YOU could take a week off every once in a while.
So, what's going on? Why can't you find more volunteers for your worship team?
Here are 3 reasons you can't find more volunteers for your worship team:
1 | You don't respect your current volunteers' time
Finding new worship team members starts with treating your current worship team members well! If you can't respect your current team members' time, why would anyone else want to join your team? And, even if they did join, they wouldn't stay for very long.
So, are you respecting the time of the people who are already on your team? Do you get them what they need to properly prepare on time? Do you have a plan for your rehearsals?
The best way to get people to join your team is to have a team worth joining.
2 | You haven't asked anyone
Maybe you feel like your team already has a good culture but people still aren't joining. Why? It might be because you simply never asked anyone to join. It's very rare that people will just come up to you and ask to join your team (more on why that is in a moment...).
The more you ask people to join your team, the more likely you are to grow your team. So, first, get to know the people of your church. Second, identify people who have musical gifts and have the potential to join your worship team. Then... ASK THEM TO JOIN!
3 | People perceive your team as a closed group
So, why won't people just come up to you and ask to join your team? It's because most worship teams are seen as closed groups. People think that they aren't needed because you're doing just find without them. So, let people know that your worship team is open. How do you do that? Hold auditions, put up an announcement slide, and personally ask people to join!
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