4 Ways To Improve Your Worship Leading For $0

4 Ways To Improve Your Worship Leading For $0

FREE! There's nothing better than spending $0 and getting results. And, if you're in a church, chances are you've got a limited budget and can't always spend money to improve your worship leading. But the good news is: You don't have to!

There are a ton of free ways you can improve your worship leading.

Here are 4 ways to improve your worship leading for $0:

1 | Focus on developing your musical skills instead of buying gear

It's more beneficial to develop your individual musical skill than it is to buy a new piece of gear. There's a saying for guitar players that says "90% of tone is in your fingers." And it's true. What makes you sound better is YOU! It's not an amp you buy or an instrument you play. It's how you play it. And THAT can be improved for free.

2 | Keep reading these posts

You know by now that I post new worship leading tips every single day. In these posts, there are often multiple action steps that you can apply to your leading to improve. If you just applied ONE of those a WEEK, you'd be constantly improving your worship leading for $0!

3 | YouTube...

For some more in-depth training, there's always YouTube. I'm posting new worship leading training videos every Friday over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel.

But, it's not just me. There are a ton of generous worship leaders who put in the time to create videos to help you improve. Here are a few of my favorites:


Worship Tutorials

Practical Worship

Worship Leader Hangout

The Worship Vocalist

Reawaken Hymns and Mina Studio

4 | Go watch the "Get Unstuck" training!

If you really feel stuck in your worship leading, I just put together a FREE training for worship leaders just like you. It's called the "Get Unstuck" training for worship leaders. In it, I show you how to start improving your worship leading again and feel inspired - just like you felt when you first started leading worship. It's only available for ONE MORE WEEK so click the link below to sign up now!


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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading

FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.