3 Rhythms of Rest To Continue As Your Church Starts Meeting In Person Again
I'm sorry to tell you but if things haven't already gotten crazy busy at your church, they're about to.
As churches resume in person gatherings, you're going to feel a pull on your time and energy more than you've felt these past couple of months.
That's why it's so important to protect your REST as you return to in person church!
When everything is shut down at your church (and in the world in general), it's easy to find time to rest.
But, as things get back to "normal," that same pull you felt before the world stopped to "stay busy" and "just do one more thing" is going to return.
So, protect your rhythm of rest!
Here are 3 rhythms of rest to carry forward as your church starts meeting in person again:
1 | Take off AT LEAST one day a week - free from any and all church responsibilities
Let me remind you. You NEED to take AT LEAST one day off a week - two if you can manage it.
Although it can feel like it, you are not the linchpin to your church. The church is not just made up of YOU. It's made up of you and everyone else who is a part of your church.
So, learn how to rely on them. Understand that your church is not going to collapse if you step away and become "unavailable" for twenty-four hours.
Adopt this mindset: "I'm important. But I'm not THAT important."
2 | Spend time with your family
So many worship leaders have found joy in spending time with their family during this season.
If that's you, let this be a reminder of the importance of pouring into your family! It's good for them and for YOU.
Church meetings will start popping up again on Tuesday nights. That quilting group at your church will want you to come and pray with them on Thursday. Someone will have an idea for a gathering on Friday night that they would "just love to be in charge of but don't have time right now but someone (YOU being the one implied) should organize it."
It's okay to say no. Protect your family time.
3 | Give your worship team a chance to rest
Rest isn't just about you!
Your worship team probably had a chance to rest more than usual this season too.
Consider how you can continue to give them a regular rhythm of rest so they don't burn out.
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