3 Secrets Worship Leaders Need To Know
Psssttt... Are you a worship leader? I've got a secret to tell you. Actually... I've got a few secrets to tell you. These are things most worship leaders don't realize.
Here are 3 secrets worship leaders need to know:
1 | You can't MAKE people worship
Ever feel like you just can't get people to worship? You picked some amazing songs. Crafted the perfect set list. Put the songs in a singable key. And even planned some special elements for your time of worship. Then, when Sunday comes, you execute perfectly and people just stand there and stare at you. "What do I need to do to get these people to worship?"
The secret is... you can't MAKE people worship. You are a worship leader not a worship enforcer. You can only lead people who already want to worship. You do that by providing opportunities for people to respond to.
2 | The things you do in private will eventually come out in public
The habits you build in private will eventually come out in public. That can either be a scary thing or an encouraging thing. If you build the wrong habits in private, they will come out in public. If you build the right habits in private, they will come out in public.
This secret permeates all aspects of your leadership. If you practice your instrument in private, the results will come out in public. If you consistently pray in private, you will know how to pray in public. If you steep yourself in the word of God in private, you will speak the word of God in public.
3 | 10% of your job is leading music | 90% of your job is leading people
When people desire to find work as a worship leader, they often think that it means sitting around playing music all day. Wouldn't that be awesome! Want to hear a secret? That's not what it is at all.
In fact, music is only really 10% of your job. Yes. You plan set lists, have worship rehearsals, and practice your music for Sunday. But, the other 90% of your time is spent leading people. Whether that's mentoring your team or leading the people of your church - don't expect being a worship leader to be all about music.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.