3 Simple Ways To Never Improve Your Worship Leading
Here are 3 simple ways to NEVER improve your worship leading:
1 | Think you know everything already
The easiest way to never improve is to assume that you already know everything there is to know.
When you think you've reached the pinnacle of your worship leading career, you stop trying to improve.
You think your systems are perfect.
You think your musical skills are sufficient (at least for playing 4 chord worship songs). So, you utilize that trusty capo and play every song in G shapes.
You think your speak transitions are STRAIGHT FIRE every Sunday.
... and so you stop learning.
But, as you know, there is ALWAYS something new to learn in worship leading.
There is room for improvement in your musicianship.
There is room for improvement in your leadership.
There is room for improvement in your relationships.
So, if you've grown comfortable in your worship leading skills, take the time to realize that there is ALWAYS MORE to learn!
2 | Be afraid to implement something new
It's one thing to LEARN something new. It's a completely different thing to actually implement it.
Change can be scary. When we're scared, we never improve.
Don't be afraid to try a song that "normally wouldn't work in your church." If you never try lingering in a worship song for 12 minutes, you'll never know how it resonates with your congregation.
Don't be afraid to cancel worship rehearsal one week and just have a hang out night for the sake of building relationships.
Don't be afraid to try that new guitar technique you just learned from the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel because you're afraid you won't nail it perfectly.
Be a curious worship leader who always thinks, "I wonder what would happen if..."
3 | Only think about worship leading on Sunday morning
Yes. There are 52 Sundays a year. That seems like a lot. But if you only focus on worship leading 52 days out of the year - you miss out on so much improvement.
Put in the work outside of Sunday mornings.
Continue to read, watch, and listen to worship leading resources throughout the week.
Actually practice your instrument before you lead on Sunday.
Prepare for your worship sets earlier than the night before.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.