Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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3 Small Things You Can Do In Your Worship Ministry That Have A Huge Impact Over Time

Often times, the biggest things in worship ministry get the most attention. It's easy to think that if you just bought that next piece of gear, learned that new skill, or added that extra person to your team - THAT'S what it would take to improve.

The truth is it's actually the small things that make the biggest impact. The key is that you have to do these small things consistently over a long period of time.

Here are 3 small things you can do in your worship ministry that have a huge impact over time:

1 | Start and end your worship team gatherings with prayer

Obviously, as worship leaders, we believe that prayer has the power to change things. But, if we're being honest with ourselves, sometimes we forget to pray with our team. There are so many things on our worship team to-do list sometimes prayer falls to the bottom.

Prayer is a simple commitment that your team can make that has a huge impact over time. The best way to make sure you don't forget to pray with your team is to build it into the routine of your worship team gatherings. Before you ever start rehearsing a song - pray. Before your team packs up and leaves - pray.

2 | Record yourself leading worship and listen back to it every week

Listening to yourself lead worship takes about 1/2 an hour a week and is probably THE best way to improve your worship leading. You are your own worst critic. When you listen to yourself, you critique every little thing that you do. It's human nature. So use that to your advantage - not to make yourself feel bad - but to identify things that you can do better next time. If you make 1 small improvement to your worship leading every week, by the end of the year you will have made 52 improvements!

3 | Thank your team

For the overall health of your team, the simplest thing you can do is thank them. Look for as many opportunities as possible to sneak a "thank you" in. You can tell them when you see them. You can include it in your weekly communication with them when you send out songs for the week. You can add it to your tech team's run down list. Look for every opportunity to thank your team!

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