3 Steps To Connect With The People You're Leading In Worship
The one thing worship leaders constantly talk about is how they just wish they could "connect" with the people they're leading in worship.
That word "connect" is rather ambiguous. Every worship leader wants it but not many have actually set out to define what it means.
And if you never define what "connection" actually means, you'll never be able to achieve it.
So, a quick definition of what "connection" is in worship: Connection is recognizing the needs of the people you're leading, ministering to those needs, and then actively pursuing God together with those needs in mind.
Using that definition, here are 3 steps to connect with the people you're leading in worship:
1 | Recognize the needs of the people you're leading
Many worship leaders fail to CONNECT with the people they're leading because they don't lead with their church in mind.
In order to CONNECT with the people of your church, you have to KNOW the people of your church.
(and the people of your church are not hanging out backstage a half an hour before your service starts - they're out in the lobby)
So, get to know the people of your church and recognize their specific needs.
This might be on an individual basis or a corporate basis - both are valid.
Ask: What's going on in the life of my church?
2 | Minister to those needs
Now that you KNOW the needs of your church, you can CONNECT with them by ministering directly to those needs.
Set up specific moments of responding to the needs you've identified.
Use your speaking transitions to highlight SPECIFIC truths your church needs to here in the SPECIFIC season they're in.
Pick songs that allow people to respond to the SPECIFIC season they're in.
Bottom line: after you've recognized the need, meet the need.
3 | Actively pursue God TOGETHER with those needs in mind
Finally, YOU are not the only one who should be connecting with your church during corporate worship.
Your entire church has the responsibility of connecting with each other during that time.
So, teach your church that they have a responsibility to connect with each other during your time of corporate worship and then encourage them to pursue God together in unity.
Boom. Connection.
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