3 Steps To Take An Entire Week Off
Ahh.... the elusive day off. That in and of itself can be hard to commit to. But what if I told you, if you follow 3 simple steps, you can take an entire week off? It's really that simple.
We all know time off for rest is important but rarely do we feel comfortable taking it. What will my church think? How will my weekly responsibilities get done?
Here are 3 steps to take an entire week off:
1 | Pick a GOOD week
It starts with picking an appropriate week to take off. Look forward in your calendar and find a week that doesn't have many things planned. You obviously aren't going to take the week right before Christmas off. But what about the week after? Chances are there's a natural pause in your church's programming right after or before big holidays. Use those to your advantage and plan around them.
2 | Get things done in advance
Taking a week off means putting in extra work the week before. Instead of just preparing for the coming Sunday, prepare for the next 2 Sundays. Get everything you can done the week before you take a week off. Pick out songs, line up volunteers, make slides, etc. When you have those things done, you'll be able to truly rest during your time off.
3 | Rest!
This is less of a step and more of the goal of the whole process. However, it's important to remind yourself the purpose of your week off. It is not to get caught up on things that you should have had done. It's not to plan for future events at church. The goal is to rest.
One practical way you can make that happen is to write things down during your week off. When a ministry thought pops into your head, write it down in a notebook or in the notes app on your phone and move on. Those thoughts will come into your head during the first few days of your week off because you're still turning your mind off from ministry. But, over the course of the week as you write those thoughts down, you will have less of them and truly be able to rest.
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