3 Surprising Facts About Being A Full-Time Worship Pastor
Yesterday I shared my story about how I became a full-time worship pastor. If you missed that post, check it out here: How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor. As I stepped into that position, I learned a few things about becoming a full-time worship pastor that might surprise you. Keep these things in mind if you plan on becoming a full-time worship pastor in the future.
Here are 3 surprising facts about being a full-time worship pastor:
1 | Your job is more about leading people than playing music
Full-time worship pastors quickly learn that being a worship pastor is way more about people than it is about music. If you are planning on becoming a full-time worship pastor, make sure that you aren't JUST interested in the musical aspect because that's not enough to fulfill your full job description. Being a worship pastor is much more about leading people than leading songs - whether that's leading the people in your band (both musically and spiritually) or leading others in your congregation.
2 | Just because you're full-time doesn't mean you're less overwhelmed with your responsibilities
When you aren't full-time, it seems like there are a ton of responsibilities when it comes to leading worship. At the end of the day, you just simply don't have time to do them all. But the truth is: full-time worship leaders don't have all the time they need to accomplish everything they want either. You see - when you become full-time you DO get more time to fulfill those responsibilities you didn't have time to when you volunteered. BUT you also get a myriad of other responsibilities with the "full-time" title as well.
3 | The excuses you made when you were a volunteer/part-time worship leader aren't magically fixed when you become full-time
You know all those excuses that are easy to make when you volunteer? If I was full-time, I could lead my team better. If I was full-time, I'd be more prepared on Sundays. If I was full-time, I could find more people for our worship team. Those excuses aren't without justification BUT they don't magically solve themselves when you become full-time. Don't wait to become full-time to make your team better and become a better worship leader!
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