3 Temptations To Fight While Leading Online Worship
Leading worship online has brought a set of new temptations to worship leaders... and they're sneaky.
In a sense, they're not really "new" temptations. They're just the same temptations worship leaders have always had to fight but they're packaged in a new form.
And, because they're sneaky, it's important to recognize what those temptations are.
Here are 3 temptations you need to fight when leading worship online:
1 | The temptation to reduce your responsibility to "playing music"
What's your thought process when you're recording/livestreaming your worship services?
There aren't people in the room with you so it can feel like you're just "playing music." And, sure, it's worship music. But, want to hear a secret? People PERFORM worship music all the time.
And therein lies the temptation. The temptation is to be a performer and perform to the camera. But, let me remind you, there are other people on the other side of that camera! Keep them in mind when you record/livestream.
Your responsibility isn't to just PERFORM worship - it's to LEAD worship.
2 | The temptation to let PERSONAL worship usurp CORPORATE worship
Along the same vein, because the people you are leading aren't in the room with you, it's easy to be tempted to just make what you're doing a time of personal worship.
But don't let PERSONAL worship usurp CORPORATE worship. Sure, you're in a room by yourself but the function of your recording/livestream is to LEAD your church.
Once again: there are people (your church) on the other side of the camera. Lead with them in mind!
3 | The temptation to not be yourself because you're on camera
When churches meet in person, the temptation for worship leaders is to act differently when they get on stage.
But now that we're meeting online, the temptation is to not be yourself because you're on camera.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. Just think about every YouTuber who has ever asked you to not forget to SMASH that like button, SHARE the video with your great grandma, and RING that notification bell - ding!
Your church just wants you to be you. If you wouldn't say it in real life, don't say it on camera.
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