3 Things You Can Do To Actually Improve Your Worship Leading
So, you want to improve your worship leading?
Here are 3 things you can do to actually improve your worship leading:
1 | Record yourself and listen back to it
The best way to improve is to critique yourself. It's really hard to figure out what you're doing right and wrong while you lead worship. You've got too many other responsibilities to focus on.
So, record yourself and listen back to it.
Your recording set up doesn't have to be anything fancy - don't overthink it. Just take a line out from your soundboard or set up your phone somewhere in the room while you lead.
Then, listen back to the recording and ask yourself two questions: What did I do well? What can I do better?
Celebrate what you did well and come up with a game plan for how you can improve on what you can do better.
2 | Study other churches
There's so much to learn from other worship leaders. And the good news is there are literally thousands of churches of all sizes that livestream their services. It's so easy nowadays to learn from other churches.
So, go find a livestream or two to watch. Pay attention to how the worship leader leads their congregation.
Ask yourself: What did I like about how they led? What didn't I like about how they led?
Then, incorporate what you liked and avoid doing what you didn't like.
3 | Read a book, watch a video, talk to another worship leader - then apply what you've learned!
Hop on YouTube and watch a video about worship leading. Go read a blog post. Listen to a podcast. Have a conversation with another worship leader.
There's so much to learn!
But the secret to actually improving is not just learning new things - it's applying what you've learned. So, after you've learned something, consider how it makes sense in the context you lead worship in and then incorporate it the next time you lead!
If you're serious about improving your worship leading, check out "30 Days To Leading Worship Well." It's a practical devotional for worship leaders where I walk you through improving the spiritual side of leading worship, your worship team leadership, and leading your church in worship.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.