3 Things You Should Expect From Your Worship Team Volunteers
It can be difficult to know what to expect from your volunteers - they're VOLUNTEERS after all. This isn't their full-time job and they aren't always professional musicians.
Here are 3 things you SHOULD expect from your worship team volunteers:
1 | They show up on time
Depending on the size of your team, it's not necessary to expect every worship team member to show up at every rehearsal. That means two things.
If your team is large enough to have multiple musicians to cover each instrument, those additional musicians who aren't playing that Sunday don't need to come to rehearsal. At the same time, the musician who IS scheduled for that week DOES need to be at rehearsal.
In contrast, if your team is small and you have the same musicians playing every single week, there is a bit more leeway with rehearsal attendance. You can't realistically expect someone to make it to 52 rehearsals a year. Show some flexible to your team members if that's the case.
The commonality between expectations for your worship team no matter the size is that your team members show up ON TIME. That means if rehearsal starts at 6 they are there and ready to go at 6! Once again, there can be some flexibility in this but showing up on time should be the expectation.
2 | They know their music
Musicians must know their music. You can define that however you want for your team but make sure you communicate that definition. Do you want them to have the music memorized? Or do you simply want them to be able to play along to the song and know their parts? Just because someone isn't a professional musicians doesn't mean they get a pass on preparation. If they cannot commit to being prepared, they shouldn't be on the team.
3 | They're growing spiritually
Your worship team members should be expected to be plugged into the life of your church. That means being connected to a small group (or whatever your church has in place) and regularly showing up on Sunday even if they aren't scheduled to lead worship. A worship team member cannot accurately lead into the lives of the people of your church if they aren't connected to them throughout the week!
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