3 Tips For Becoming A Full-Time Worship Pastor
The topic of this week's posts are all about being a full-time worship pastor. Now that we've appropriately framed what a worship pastor does (if you missed those posts. check them out here: How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor and 3 Surprising Facts About Being A Full-Time Worship Pastor), let's talk about how to become a full-time worship pastor. There are some obvious steps you can take in the process: get a degree in a major that relates to ministry, apply for a job at a church, etc. Let's take a look at some tips outside of the obvious.
Here are 3 tips for becoming a full-time worship pastor:
1 | Serve where you're at
The best place for you to hone your craft as a worship leader and prepare for full-time ministry is to go all-in in your volunteer/part-time worship leading role. The first step in becoming a full-time worship pastor is being faithful in serving wherever you are right now.
Don't wait until you get a full-time job to start leading worship! Get plugged into a church, lead wherever you can, and - who knows - maybe that will turn into a full-time position at some point.
2 | Build as many connections as you can
As with any job searching process, connections are key! The same is true in the church world. Try to build as many connections with people as possible while serving at your current church.
How can you build these connections? Get in touch with other worship leaders in your community. Join Facebook groups and interact with people (I recommend the Worship Leaders + Facebook group). Explore worship leading opportunities outside of your church (but don't let these opportunities interfere with your leading at your church).
3 | Don't just take any job you can find
When it comes to actually getting a job, make sure the church is a good fit for you. There's nothing worse than getting a job as a full-time worship leader only to find out 1 year in that your vision doesn't match up with what the church that hired you wants. Ask lots of questions during the interview process. It isn't just a time for the church to get to know you - it's also a time for you to get to know the church.
If you're a full-time worship pastor, we want to hear your story! Let us know how you become one BELOW!
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