3 Tips For Leading Worship For The First Time
So, it's finally time for you to lead worship for the first time? Maybe your youth pastor asked you to lead a song or two at youth group. Maybe the regular worship leader at your church is away this weekend and asked you to fill in. Or maybe you've just felt called to lead for a really long time and now you're finally taking the step of faith to do it. Whatever it is, this first time you lead worship is going to be an amazing experience.
God has put this opportunity before you for a reason and this is just the first step on a long journey you're about to embark on (more on that later).
You're probably wondering how you can make this first worship leading experience go as smoothly as possible...
Here are 3 tips for leading worship for the first time:
1 | Practice, practice, practice
The more you prepare, the more you'll be able to focus in the moment. Pick some songs you and your church are familiar with and make sure you can play them the best you possibly can. Run through them over and over again. Walk into your first time leading worship knowing that you've done everything you possibly can to prepare. And then... trust God to use your obedience for his glory.
2 | Focus on leading your church
It's easy to get in your head and only think about yourself the first time you lead worship: "Did I play those chords right?" "How do I look right now?" "What comes next?" But, the key is to focus on leading your church. When you focus on that, it shifts your focus off of you and onto the real point of you leading worship in the first place - so that you and your church can encounter and connect with God.
3 | Have a long-term mindset
Listen, this is the first of many. Don't put too much pressure on yourself the first time you lead worship. There will be plenty more opportunities down the road. You learn and get better by DOING. So, view the simple act of you DOING as a step in the right direction regardless of whether everything goes perfectly or not. Don't judge your entire worship leading ability based on one time of leading. Have a long-term mindset.
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - Zig Ziglar
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.