3 Tips For Volunteer And Part-Time Worship Leaders
Volunteer and part-time worship leaders are more common than full-time worship leaders. They aren't "less than" worship leaders who are on staff at their church. They aren't less talented either. In fact, full-time and part-time/volunteer worship leaders share many of the same responsibilities. With that being said, there are unique challenges to being part-time/volunteer when it comes to worship leading.
Here are 3 tips for volunteer and part-time worship leaders:
1 | Get help from other people
Being a volunteer/part-time means that you aren't always around because you have other responsibilities. And that's okay! The key is to get help from other people. In fact, that's how the church is supposed to function in the first place! The church was not meant to hire someone (ie. a full-time worship pastor) to fulfill every responsibility. The church is a collection of people designed to serve each other.
Use this truth to fuel your volunteer/part-time worship leading. Don't try to do everything yourself - it's not sustainable. Focus on building a great team around you. Give them the opportunity to serve in meaningful ways and not just be your "back-up." Learn to rely on other people!
2 | Focus on what you CAN control
It's easy to get caught in the trap of only focusing on what you CAN'T control. There are so many things that we CAN'T control that sometimes that's all we see. But, it's always more beneficial to focus on what you CAN control. You only have an hour to rehearse for Sunday? Consider how you can best use that time. You don't have money for better gear? Learn how to use the gear that you do have to the best of it's ability.
3 | Trust the season that you're in
God has put you in the position you're in at your church for a reason. Don't get so focused on "what's next" that you miss out on what God is trying to teach you in this season.
DISCLAIMER: Full-time worship leaders struggle with all of these things as well. They can't do everything they want by themselves. They have things they can't control. And there is always another season to look towards.
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