3 Truths To Motivate "Stuck" Church Creatives
If you're a worship leader, chances are you are a church creative. So, no matter what you're creating - songwriting, art, video, special elements for your service, etc. - you might have noticed by now that the creative process is HARD!
It's easy to get "stuck" in your creativity. You thought you had the perfect idea but you just can't iron out all the wrinkles. You had the perfect chorus for a song but you're stuck on the second line in the second verse. You've got the general idea for a special element in your service but you can't formulate the details. How do you get unstuck?
Here are 3 truths to motivate "stuck" church creatives:
1 | A "lack of gear" is just an excuse for a lack of creativity
Sometimes creatives get so paralyzed by the initial planning process that they never even start. "I don't have everything I need!" "Once I get that piece of gear I'll be able to do what I have planned."
The truth is 95% of the time a "lack of gear" is just an excuse for a lack of creativity. Stop thinking about what you don't have and start focusing on what you DO have. Use your creative mind to come up with a solution of how to solve the problem of "not having what you need." This is part of the creative process! So, just start and figure the rest out along the way.
2 | Done is better than perfect
What good is your creativity to the world if it's stuck on your hard drive, sitting on a piece of paper in your office, or just a thought in your head? As creatives, we often get hyper-focused on trying to perfect every little detail in our creations. And the truth is no creative project will ever be perfect!
You know what's better than perfect (which is an intangible goal that doesn't really exist)? DONE! FINISHED! Recorded. Posted online. Shared with people.
3 | Your 80% is everyone else's 100%
Are you worried what other people will think about your creative project? The truth is your 80% is everyone else's 100%. When you create, you see every little flaw. Other people don't see those. Give yourself permission to release your project at 80% perfection because for everyone else that looks 100% perfect!
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