3 Reasons Sundays Are Exhausting For Worship Leaders

3 Ways Sundays Are Exhausting For Worship Leaders

I'm sure you've realized by now that Sundays can be exhausting.

When I recently asked, "What's your Sunday routine?" Nearly every worship leader concluded their Sunday routine with a nap. And it's true! Leading worship well can be exhausting. Have you ever stopped to ask why?

Here are 3 ways Sundays are exhausting for worship leaders:

1 | Physically

Have you noticed that worship leading takes a lot of physical work? Depending on how many songs you lead, you can be playing your instrument and singing for upwards of half an hour to forty-five minutes. That's a lot of energy spent just on the musical portion of leading worship.

2 | Emotionally

Beyond the physical, there's also the emotional side of leading worship. When you lead well, you carry other people's stories with you. And, if you haven't noticed, some people have really heavy stories. There are stories of divorce, family members passing away, jobs lost, and sickness.

It's important to be aware of these stories when you lead but they also affect your emotional energy.

3 | Mentally

You are in charge of a lot on Sunday. You're leading the majority of the songs. You have a worship team to direct. You've got to make sure slides are in the right order. You've got additional volunteers to manage. Plus whatever other responsibilities you've taken on at your church.

In the end, you're left juggling all these different responsibilities and it's a workout for your mind. It leaves you mentally drained by the time you're done.

So what can you do?

1 | Prioritize rest

It's easy to burn out when you are subject to these 3 points of exhaustion over and over again. Prioritize rest - not just a nap on Sunday but maybe a week off every once in a while.

2 | Give away responsibility

Trust your team to do what they're supposed to do. Most mental energy is spent on worrying about something someone has already taken care of.

3 | Remember the why

Leading worship can be exhausting but remind yourself why you're doing it.

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