3 Ways To Introduce A New Song To Your Church Online
One question that has always been the discussion of many worship leading conversations is "What's the best way to introduce a new song?"
Now that things have been moved online, many worship leaders are not just asking HOW but asking IF they should even introduce any new songs at all.
So, simply put: Yes. I believe you can still introduce new songs to your church.
But, how do you do it online?
Here are 3 ways to introduce a new worship song to your church online:
1 | Introduce it well
The basic premise of introducing a new song hasn't changed: you still need to introduce the song "well."
That means making sure your church understands WHAT they're singing (theology), WHY they're singing it (why did you pick the song to lead), and HOW to sing it (teach them the song so they can sing with you).
If you're introducing a song for the first time on Sunday morning, make sure you do those 3 things.
Speaking transitions during your worship sets are even MORE important now! So, before you introduce a new song, make sure YOU know the what, why, and how before you try to teach your church.
Then, communicate the answers to those questions before you start to sing the new song.
2 | Post a link to it in advance and tell people to learn it
I've brought up the idea before about posting a link to a new song you'll be leading before Sunday morning comes - it's useful even when churches can meet in person.
But, it's even MORE relevant now that churches are online anyways. Your social media has become the primary means of communicating with your church - so embrace it!
During the week, before you introduce a new song, post a link to it on social media and say, "Hey church! We can't wait to teach you this new song this week. Listen to it in advance so you can sing along with us on Sunday morning!"
3 | Go live during the week and teach it to your church
Take the "post it in advance" idea one step further. Instead of just posting a link to a YouTube video, go live during the week for the sole purpose of teaching the song to your church.
You can use this time to go even more in depth on the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of the song than you would on a Sunday morning.
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