3 Ways To Stop Copying Other Worship Leaders And Be Yourself
You see all these worship leaders with fancy haircuts in ripped jeans singing with their counter tenor voices about how worship is the weapon we use to fight our battles and you think to yourself, "is that what a worship leader looks like? Why don't I look and sound like that?"
Maybe I'm just cynical because I have no hair to cut, prefer to keep my kneecaps warm, and have been a bass my whole life. But, the things is - your church needs you to be YOU more than they need you to try to be someone else.
They don't need a worship leader impersonator. They need someone who knows them, loves them, and is willing to do whatever it takes to specifically lead them in an authentic way.
Here are 3 ways to stop copying other worship leaders and be yourself:
1 | Study other worship leaders for inspiration not imitation
Although its not a good idea to try to copy other worship leaders, it's still beneficial to study them. See what they do that you like and don't like. Then, take what you've learned and apply it to your specific context. Don't try to imitate them. Use their leading to inspire you to lead your own church well.
2 | Recognize that your church needs YOU to lead them
Nobody knows your church better than you. So don't just automatically try to incorporate something you saw another leader do at their church into your church until you've considered how it works in your specific context.
Your church doesn't need someone at Hillsong to lead them. They don't need someone from California to lead them (unless your church is based in California). Your church needs YOU to lead them.
3 | Give yourself permission to be awkward and clumsy
The temptation to imitate other worship leaders stems from a feeling that you aren't good enough. But the truth is: no one is good enough to lead their church - that's why we have to rely on Jesus.
Lean into how God created you. Everyone feels awkward and clumsy and like they don't have it all figured out. So, just be YOU acting awkward and clumsy and like you don't have it all figured out instead of trying to copy the worship leader down the street who is awkward and clumsy and doesn't have it all figured out.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.