3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Lead Their Church Besides Singing

3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Lead Their Church Besides Singing

"Worship is more than singing." We say it all the time. We even believe it. And yet... most of our time as worship leaders is spent preparing for the musical side of leading worship. We spend time listening to new worship songs and deciding which ones would work best in our church. We figure out the best keys for songs and how to transition between them. We practice our instrument (... sometimes). And we get together with the rest of our team to run through the songs we've chosen.

And don't get me wrong, all of those things are important to know and to plan. But, as we said before, worship is more than singing. So, if we are to truly be worship leaders, we need to increase our understanding of what it means to lead worship beyond singing.

The problem is: that's all most worship leaders know. So, how else can you lead your church during a worship gathering besides singing?

Here are 3 ways worship leaders can lead their church besides singing:

1 | Prayer

Prayer is an essential part of worship gatherings. And not just the kind of prayer where one person prays into a microphone. As a worship leader, you have the opportunity to lead your church in praying - not just to pray in front of your church.

So, find moments in your set where you can lead people to pray for something specific. Have them consider a theme you've been singing about and how it applies to their lives - then walk them through what it looks like to pray for it.

2 | Understanding

You can lead your church by helping them better understand what worship is. There are a ton of things you can teach them about worship - "Worship is more than music" is a great place to start. Use your speaking transitions to support people's understand of why, how, and who you are worshiping.

3 | Truth

In addition to understanding worship, you can lead your church by speaking truth to them. Connect the dots for them and point out truth during worship that they might not initially see.

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