3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Make The Most Of The Summer Ministry Season
Summer will officially be here at the end of this week! (At least in the US... sorry Aussies - enjoy your winter!)
For many church leaders that means things slow down a bit as regular church get togethers pause and people go on vacation.
That slower season of ministry can leave worship leaders wondering: "What am I supposed to do right now?"
Maybe during this season you feel like you've got some extra time and you're not sure what to do with it.
Here are 3 ways worship leaders can make the most out of the summer ministry season:
1 | Plan for the future
PRUDENCE: acting with care and thought for the future.
That should be the word that defines this summer season for you.
What can you do over these next couple of months that will set you up for success when the busy church season starts back up in the fall?
What systems can you build this summer that will make this fall easier? Maybe it's time to finally come up with a concrete plan for how people can join your worship team. Maybe you need to finally learn how to use Planning Center to schedule your volunteers.
Now is the time to plan for the fall season too! This is the season to work ON your ministry and not just IN your ministry. When fall hits and things get busy again, it'll be a struggle to plan things out for the future. So, start to plan those things now!
2 | Pour into your volunteers
Summer is the perfect season to build relationships with your worship team (and what do you know?! Lockdowns are starting to lift to make that a possibility!)
Plan some time to just hang out with your worship team members. Leading a team isn't JUST about showing up for rehearsal and playing through some songs. It's about building relationships with the people you're serving with and pouring into them.
How can you fill your team up this summer so they're even stronger in the fall?
3 | REST!
Want to hear a secret? It's okay for this season to NOT be a busy season.
There are natural rhythms to your ministry - embrace this slower one to rest up for the next one.
Maybe plan a week off and take a vacation (more on how to do that later this week...)
Find time to rest!
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