3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Use Social Media For Good
About 70% of people in America are on social media. (And I assume that statistics are similar in other countries as well) Like it or not, social media has massive implications on our every day lives. It is, in and of itself, neither helpful or hurtful. It can be used both ways. It's simply a tool that we can utilize. So, how can we as worship leaders use it for good?
Here are 3 ways worship leaders can use social media for good:
1 | Connect with the people of your church and get to know what's going on in their lives
Never before has it been easier to catch a glimpse into someone's life. They may not share their full story but you can at least see some part of their story. And that can come in handy when you are leading your church. What's going on in their lives? (You might have to sift through some funny cat pictures [or unfunny cat pictures depending on your view] to actually find the answer.) But, by simply observing, you can get a sense of where they're coming from. Use those observations to guide how you lead them on Sunday.
2 | Learn from other churches
Other PEOPLE aren't the only one's who use social media. Other CHURCHES use it too. And other churches aren't your enemy - they're your colleagues. We're in this together. And never before has the church had a better chance to be connected than right now!
The best way you can utilize this connection is to see what other churches are doing - not to compare yourself to them - but to learn from them. What's happening in their church that's working? How would that apply to your own church's context?
3 | Introduce new songs
You can even use social media to prepare people for Sunday morning worship before it happens. It's a great way to let people know what's going to be happening on Sunday. Post a link to your set list. Or if you're doing a new song, let people know so they can listen to it before they come to church.
In fact, that's exactly what we're going to be talking about in tomorrow's video on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel. In tomorrow's video, you're going to learn 5 Simple Ways You Can Prepare Your Church For A New Song. And utilizing social media is just one of the ways!
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