3 Ways You Can Trust Your Worship Team More
How much do you trust your worship team? Answer that. Okay, now how much do you REALLY trust your team? What do your actions say about how much you trust them?
It can be easy for worship team leaders to get stuck in the thought process of "I'm the only one who can do this." But, there are a ton of things you can trust your worship team members to do. In fact, that's the healthy way to build a team. As the leader, you are called to "equip people for the work of ministry and for building up the body of Christ" (Eph 4:12).
So, are you doing that? Your job isn't to simply do as much as you possibly can. Your job is to equip the people on your team! But that takes trust... and not just saying "I trust you" but actually showing it. So, how can you show it? Well, you can start by trusting them with these 3 areas.
Here are 3 ways you can trust your worship team more:
1 | Leading songs
You can allow other team members to lead songs. This isn't just a part of a song - this is putting them in charge of the ENTIRE song. They are the leader.
Too often, the temptation is for the worship team leader to want to lead every song - and if you're on staff, that might even seem like that's part of your job responsibility. But the truth is, it's not. The truth is, if you are leading your team well, you'll eventually get to a place where you aren't even vocally leading ANY songs on Sunday.
2 | Speaking transitions
The same goes for speaking transitions. Equip your team to lead these moments and then set them loose. This is one of the most intimidating things for new worship leaders so walk them through the process. Sit with them and help them craft a speaking transition and then trust them to lead that moment on a Sunday!
3 | Planning set lists
You don't have to plan your set lists in isolation. Include your worship team. Ask them what songs they think have been working well in your church recently. Get new song suggestions from them. Even let them help you choose the specific songs you're going sing during your Sunday service!
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