3 Worship Leading Areas To Focus On While We Can't Meet In Person
I'm sure you've noticed by now: the majority of how you used to prepare to lead worship was done with the assumption that you would be leading your church IN PERSON.
There's been a shift in how you need to prepare and you might be left wondering: "What do I do now that we can't meet in person?"
Well, this is a time for worship leaders to focus on some more neglected areas of what it means to be a worship leader.
Here are 3 worship leading areas to focus on while we can't meet in person:
1 | Relational
Over the past few months, worship leaders have been trying to figure out how to lead their worship teams. It's especially hard when you can't see them in person.
But the truth is, now is the perfect time to lean into one worship leading area we often forget in the midst of the busyness of preparing to lead our services: relationships.
Maybe your team CAN'T gather in person right now to play music. But you can still foster the relational piece of your team. Hop on a Zoom call with them and just hang out.
Worship teams are not strengthened by running through thousands of worship songs together - they're strengthened by spending intentional time together.
2 | Spiritual
Let's be honest: when there's so much to prepare for our in-person gatherings, the spiritual side of worship leading can take a backseat. Because, we've just "got too much to do," right?
If you've found yourself caught up in the busyness of leading worship, now is the time to lean into the spiritual side.
Most of your time is spent sitting at home now - you're bored. Pick up an instrument and have a personal time of worship - not for the sake of leading anyone but just because it's good to connect with God.
Or grow your theology while you have some moments to sit around the house (this opportunity will not last forever!). Read a book about worship.
3 | Musical
Worship leaders are notorious for becoming musically stuck. We only need to know how to play 4 chords, right? Well, yes. But... you're better than that.
Use this time to really pour into your musicianship. Learn a new technique. Watch an ADVANCED worship guitar tutorial on the LWW YouTube channel. Level up your musicianship!
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