Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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4 Different Ways to Start Your Service

Yesterday we took a look at the power of starting your worship gatherings different. If you missed it, check it out at @leadingworshipwell.

Here are 4 different ways you can start your worship gathering:

1 | Extended time of prayer

If you usually start with music, try giving your church some space at the beginning. Guide them through an extended time of prayer. Pick 3 things that match up with where your pastor is headed and have them pray for them. Make it purposeful.

2 | Opener Video

This works especially well when you're headed into a new series or on Christmas or Easter. Open up with a video that leads people into worship. Something that engages them and moves them into what your focus for the morning is.

3 | Testimony

Have someone share what God is doing in their life. Powerful stories can lead into powerful worship.

4 | Scripture reading

Allow God's word to lead you into worship. Start with a Psalm and allow people to reflect on the words before you respond together.