The Power of Different - Breaking the Routine
Over the past 6 months, how many of your worship gatherings have started exactly the same? "Hey everyone! Welcome to church! Let's stand and worship!" (transition into fast song). It's easy to find a worship gathering structure that flows well and stick to it. From there, it's plug and play. "I need 5 songs - 4 before the message and 1 response song after." Plug the songs in and continue the system into eternity.
It's important to have a system and set structure to your gatherings because this creates a sense of familiarity in your church. But sometimes a simple change, can make a huge positive impact in your worship gathering.
We'll discuss specific ways you can start your worship gathering tomorrow.
For now, here are 3 reasons to consider starting your service differently than you normally do this Sunday:
1 | Gives people a reason to arrive on time
Do people always show up late to your church? Or maybe they're just standing out in the lobby talking? Keep them on their toes and switch it up at the beginning. People will want to arrive on time to be a part of what's happening. Play into their fear of missing out. You don't even have to do something different every week but just regularly enough that people won't want to miss it.
2 | Breaks people's routines
Breaking routine can cause people to view things in a different way. Think about it - nothing significant ever happened to you on a normal day. Significant changes happen when the routine is broken. So strategically break the routine. In doing so, you'll give your church a chance to view things differently than they normally do.
3 | Gives other people a chance to serve
Starting your service differently is a great way to get other people involved. Allow other people in your church to use their gifts to lead people into worship. This is a great time to teach that worship is more than singing. Our spiritual gifts were meant to be used to build each other up, so allow the people of your church that opportunity!
5 tips to instantly improve your worship leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.