4 Things To Include In Your Pre-Service Prayer
Most worship teams pray before their service starts. Maybe you are the one praying. What should you be praying for? It can differ from week to week and you don't always need to pray the same thing. Maybe you know a specific story of someone in your church and you want to pray over that. Whatever it is, don't box yourself into the 4 ideas you're about to read but these are a good place to start.
Here are 4 things to include in your pre-service prayer:
1 | Surrender
Take a moment to fully surrender your leading to God. Whatever he wants to happen can happen. Pray for humility that you could step out of the way and allow him to work through you. Chances are you've put in a lot of work up to this point practicing and planning (with the Holy Spirit's help of course!), now it's time to let God handle the rest. Let him do what only he can do!
2 | Holy Spirit
In relation to surrender, pray that God's Spirit would work through you. Pray that, when you lead, it wouldn't be in your own strength. Confess your need for God to work through you because apart from him you can't do anything of significance.
3 | First timers
Lead every Sunday like it's someone's first Sunday. Pray that God would allow you to communicate clearly to people who are at church for the first time. That means explaining why you're doing what you're doing, how to worship, etc. In addition, for people who don't know Jesus, pray that the gospel would be clearly presented through the songs you sing and the words that you speak.
4 | The impossible
As a leader, you should be praying bold prayers. Pray for something that seems impossible to happen: that someone who is far away from God would experience his presence, that someone in your church who is sick would be healed... God is the God of the Impossible so help your team believe that by praying impossible prayers.
Are you interested in learning a bit more about prayer when it comes to worship leading? Check out the other posts I’ve written on prayer:
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