4 Ways To Embrace Minimalism In Your Worship Leading
Most people think that minimalism means getting rid of virtually everything you have: trimming your wardrobe down to one outfit, throwing out your TV, and moving into a tiny house.
What minimalism actually is is this: A philosophy of determining what's actually important in life and disregarding all of the other things that distract you from it.
That definition can be really powerful when applied to your worship leading.
Here are 4 ways to embrace minimalism in your worship leading:
1 | Gear
Very few worship leaders (at least instrumentalists) are minimalists when it comes to gear. We're always on the hunt for the next thing. (I mean did you see everything they just announced at NAMM this year?)
But, when we spend all our time chasing the excess of gear, we never really learn how to use the gear we already have. And instead of learning new things and actually improving - you end up with a closet full of guitars and amps that you never use.
Embracing minimalism when it comes to gear makes it easier to actually improve your musicianship.
2 | Song repertoire
Listen, your CHURCH is screaming for minimalism in your song selection. The average person only comes to church once a month - you play these songs at least 5 times before you lead them on a Sunday.
That means for every 24 times you hear a worship song - your church only hears it once!
So, determine what the core (important) songs are in your worship repertoire and focus on teaching those to your church.
3 | Worship team instrumentation
This is a sneaky one because you want everyone to serve on Sundays if they're able. And so, eventually you build your worship team to a point where you've got 8 singers, 3 electric guitarists, and - God forbid - two drummers.
Okay, maybe you don't go that crazy. But, the danger in not embracing minimalism in your worship team instrumentation is that nobody ever gets a week off.
So, determine what instruments you really need on a Sunday morning and set up a rotation that allows people to rest.
4 | Gifting
Secret: you're only really good at 1 or 2 things.
Find out what they are and stop doing everything else. You'll have a bigger impact.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
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