5 C's You Should Be Looking For In Future Worship Team Members
There's a lot of anxiety around adding someone to your worship team because there's always change involved. While it can be stressful adding people to your team, there are some things that you can look for in potential worship team members to help the process go smoothly.
Here are 5 C's you should look for in a potential worship team member:
1 | Competency
Obviously this person is going to be playing in a band. That means that they need to be competent at an instrument or singing. The best way to evaluate this is to have an audition or simply get together with them to "jam." In the process, you can find out if they're able to keep up with the musical demands of leading worship on Sundays.
2 | Character
As you know, being on the worship team isn't ONLY about musical ability. Serving on the worship team means being called to a higher standard than simply playing in a band. Therefore, it's important to make sure the people that are joining your worship team are people of character. The only way to evaluate their character is to get to know them. Build a relationship with them, ask them questions, and make sure they're up to the spiritual demands of leading worship on Sundays.
3 | Consistency
One of the hardest traits to gauge when someone joins your team is if they will be consistent. That means that they are consistently prepared to lead and consistently come to rehearsals. The best way to evaluate this is to invite them to start coming to rehearsals. Let them see the commitment they'll need to make to be on the team.
4 | Chemistry
The people who join your team also need to be able to work with the people who are already on your team. The best way to see this is to see how they interact with your team at rehearsals. They don't need to be best friends with everyone but make sure that they are able to work with the rest of the team.
5 | Coachable
Worship team members must be willing to receive critique in order to grow. During the audition or "jam session" phase, give them a few things to work on and see how they respond.
What do you look for in potential worship team members? Let us know in the comments below!
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