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5 Essentials Of Worship Stage Etiquette

You're up in front of your church leading worship - you know how to play the songs. You know what you're going to say. But what are you supposed to do? Do you just stand there and go through the songs?

It can be confusing how to act when you're in front of people - here are a few things to keep in mind.

Here are 5 essentials of worship stage etiquette: 

1 | Eyes open

Keeping your eyes open allows you to do two things: connect with the people you're leading and gauge the room.

Your eye lids are a barrier between you and the people you're leading. It's okay to have your eyes closed sometimes but you should aim to have them open at least 75% of time. As you keep your eyes open you'll be able to notice what's going on in the room and lead people accordingly.

2 | Smile

If you truly have the greatest hope to celebrate, why wouldn't you smile when you worship? There is hope communicated in every song you lead, focus on that - believe it - and tell your face to show it.

3 | Sing

It's important for ALL members of the team to sing whenever possible. How can we expect our church to sing when the people leading them aren't singing? Whether you're a bass player, drummer, or keyboardist - you are a worship leader.

4 | Model

What you do on stage tells your church what's appropriate for worship in your church.

If your team stands like statues, your church will stand like statues. But going beyond that and doing some of the other things we just covered teaches your church how to worship. If your team sings, they're teaching your church to sing. If you smile while you lead, you communicate the hope you're singing about.

5 | Preparation

The final piece of etiquette takes place off the stage. If you aren't properly prepared, you won't be able to do the things you just learned about. If you don't know your lyrics - your eyes will be glued to the confidence monitor. If you can't nail that chord change - you aren't going to have a smile on your face.