5 Reasons to Consider Inviting Worshipers to Worship Rehearsal
What if you invited people who weren't on your worship team to worship rehearsal simply for the sole purpose of worshiping?
Rehearsal allows musicians a chance to run through the songs and nail down their musical parts for Sunday morning. What if you could take rehearsals beyond simply running through music?
One way you can do that is to invite a few additional people (5 to 10 max) to your rehearsals whose sole purpose is to worship with your team. Sound crazy? Here are a few reasons it might work!
Here are 5 reasons to consider inviting worshipers to your worship rehearsal:
1 | It gives your team a chance to practice leading
Rehearsals easily become about just running through the songs. Does your team know their parts and can they play them well?
The piece of worship rehearsal that's easy to forget is actually LEADING worship. Having additional people at your rehearsals gives your team a group of people to lead.
2 | Encouragement
Seeing people worship is a huge encouragement to your team! It reminds them why they are doing what they're doing. They're not just there to run through songs but they are there to lead people in worship.
3 | Prayer
Meet with the people you invite ahead of time and ask them to pray for your Sunday gathering as they worship.
Have them walk throughout your worship space and pray over the seats people will sit in.
Utilize this group not just as worshipers but as people who pray for your church.
4 | Worshipers become leaders on Sunday
You can utilize this group more than just at your rehearsals. Let them know that they can set the tone in the room for Sunday. Invite them to be a part of the worship team by leading the congregation from right where they're at.
5 | It gives you a sample of the stories you're leading into
Having a small group of additional people at your rehearsals lets you have conversations with people outside of your worship team. You learn a bit more about the people in your church. Lead into these stories.
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.