worship rehearsal

Worship Team Member Not At Rehearsal? Don't Let Them Play On Sunday. (Video)

I'm sure it's happened to you before... it's the day of worship rehearsal and you get a text from a team member: "Hey! Sorry! I can't make it tonight. But don't worry. I'll be there on Sunday!"…

Worship Rehearsal Disasters! | 5 Things To Do When Things Go Wrong (Video)

What's the worst worship rehearsal you've ever had?

If you've been in worship ministry for any amount of time, I'm sure you've had at least one rehearsal that has just bombed! It felt like pretty much everything went wrong…

3 Ways You NEED To Lead Your Worship Team (Video)

Leading a worship team is hard! There are so many things to focus on...

You've got to schedule volunteers. You've got to pick songs. You've got to run rehearsals. You've got to work with the sound team. You've got to set up and tear down…

5 Ways To Get Your Worship Team To Come To Rehearsal Prepared (Video)

Be honest... how prepared is your worship team for worship rehearsal?

It can be super frustrating when worship team members don't show up to worship rehearsal prepared. They don't know their parts. They don't know what key you're playing in. They don't even know what songs you're leading on Sunday…

3 Ways To Not Waste Your Worship Team's Time

Think about when you "spend money" on something. If you spend $500 on something, you want to make sure you're getting at least $500 of value out of it. What happens if you don't feel like you've gotten value? You're disappointed. You might return the item. And chances are, you'll never buy that thing again.

The same is true of your volunteer's time (it's called "spending time" for a reason - it's a currency that you spend just like money). If you haven't done everything on your part to make sure that the time they're spending is valuable, they'll be disappointed. They might start showing up late to rehearsals because they literally have "better ways to SPEND their time." And ultimately, they might simply stop volunteering. So how can you value your team's time instead of wasting it?…

How To Lead A Worship Band Rehearsal (VIDEO)

In this video, you'll learn all about how to lead a worship rehearsal.

In the process, you'll learn 5 things that you should include in your rehearsals. If you just have these 5 things, you'll have a great worship rehearsal that leads your team spiritually, relationally, and musically…

5 Things To Do When Things Go Wrong At Worship Rehearsal

Have you ever had one of those rehearsals where it just felt like everything was going wrong? Your team was struggling to get through that new song. Or you just didn't feel like being there. It's easy to feel helpless in those situations. But, there are a few steps you can take to redeem a rehearsal that's gone wrong!…

5 Reasons Your Worship Team Members Aren't Coming To Rehearsals

Do you struggle with getting your worship team members to consistently come to practice? It can be difficult to know how to handle that situation, especially when you're in a small church and don't have a large pool of musicians. It's easy to blame your team members and simply complain that they aren't committed. But what if there were some things that you could fix that would enable your team to come to rehearsals more frequently?…

3 Worship Ministry Areas To Re-Evaluate In 2019

As 2019 begins, it's a great time to take a step back and reevaluate what's working and what isn't working in your worship ministry. Maybe the way you did things in 2018 worked for a season but now it's time to take the next step. Or maybe what you tried to incorporate last year simply didn't work at all. That's okay - you learn from failure. The failure isn't the important part it's what you do with it. So pick yourself up and ask the question: how can I make this better?…

3 Benefits Of Listening To Recordings With Your Worship Team

One of the most beneficial things a worship team can do to improve their musicality is listen to recordings of themselves.

Take 15 minutes during a rehearsal one night and record a song (you can take a line out from your sound board or just use someone's phone). Then, immediately sit down with your team and listen to the recording…

5 Reasons to Consider Inviting Worshipers to Worship Rehearsal

What if you invited people who weren't on your worship team to worship rehearsal simply for the sole purpose of worshiping?

Rehearsal allows musicians a chance to run through the songs and nail down their musical parts for Sunday morning. What if you could take rehearsals beyond simply running through music?…