5 Reasons Your Worship Team Should Have Weekly Rehearsals
Some worship teams rehearse every week. Other teams only run through the songs right before they lead on Sunday. Which method is best?
Here are 5 reasons your worship team should have weekly rehearsals:
1 | It gives you time to communicate vision
When you set aside time for rehearsal every week, you give yourself an hour or two to speak directly to your worship team. You can reinforce values that you want to instill into your team. You miss that piece when you only run through the songs on Sunday morning right before you lead worship.
2 | It fosters relationships among team members
The greatest relationship building among team members doesn't happen WHEN you're leading worship. Building relationships takes place in the empty space in between. It happen when you set up the stage. It happens in the conversation your guitarist has with the bass player while they're tuning their guitars. Having a regular rehearsal creates more of these white spaces where relationships are strengthened.
3 | It allows you to succeed when you need to take a week off
When you do have a busy week and don't have time to practice, regular rehearsals help you succeed. You might not be able to have a rehearsal but all the work you put in leading up to that point will pay off when you have to do things last minute.
4 | It gives your team a chance to improve
Sports teams don't just go into big games without practicing. If they did, they would never improve. Some improvement happens in the act of leading worship but to truly improve, you need to have focused time with your team. That's what rehearsals are for!
5 | It communicates the importance of worship leading
Setting aside a certain amount of time every week to practice leading worship communicates the importance of it to your team. It says, "Worship leading is a big enough responsibility that we are going to dedicate a certain amount of time every week to preparing to do it!" If your worship team doesn't take their role seriously, consider what your actions are communicating.
Does your worship team have a regular rehearsal every week? Let us know in the comments!
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