5 Things To Do Before You Lead Worship On Easter
Just a few more days and Easter Sunday will be here! Woo!!
That might be exciting for you or a little nerve-racking because you still have a lot to do. To make sure you're completely prepared to lead worship on Sunday, there are a few things you should do.
Here are 5 things to do before you lead worship on Easter:
1 | Read through the Easter story
This is the story YOU and YOUR CHURCH get to celebrate on Sunday. You might think you're already familiar with it. Read it again. Get lost in wonder and allow it to fuel the way you worship this Sunday.
2 | Ask: How am I going to engage people who only come to church on Christmas and Easter?
There are going to be people at church on Sunday who only come once or twice a year. You have two choices: you can ignore them or you can make every effort to engage them. How can you engage them? First, consider adding a familiar song they might know and be able to respond to (think of some Easter hymns like Amazing Grace, Nothing But The Blood, The Old Rugged Cross, etc.) Second, give them specific instructions about how to participate in worship. Don't assume they know what they're supposed to do - explain it to them!
3 | Thank your team
Send a quick text to your team on Saturday night thanking them for the hard work they put in. Remind them of the mission one more time!
4 | Worship through your set list
It's one thing to simply PLAY through your set list - to learn the chords and lyrics. It's a whole other thing to WORSHIP through your set list. Sit down and use the songs you have picked out for Sunday in your own personal time of worship. This will help you to prepare to lead well on Easter. Listen for God's voice telling you what he wants you to highlight as you lead his church.
5 | Rest
Just because it's Easter doesn't mean you get to forgo rest this week. Plan out a time when you can rest! Write it down on your calendar and don't schedule anything else. Then, walk in well rested and refreshed to lead worship on Sunday!
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