5 Things You NEED To Do Before Your Christmas Worship Service (Video)
The time has come! It's finally time for your Christmas worship service (or maybe you have multiple). Maybe your services start tomorrow or you're preparing for a Christmas Eve service.
Whatever it is, I know it's going to be amazing because you've put in the work to serve the people of your church and lead worship well!
But, there are few things you can do BEFORE you lead worship this Christmas that will make sure you lead well!
That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a short video (I know you're busy) called "5 Things You NEED To Do Before Your Christmas Worship Service."
In the video, you'll learn the final things you NEED to do before you lead worship at your Christmas service!
1 | How to remind yourself of the story you get to lead people into this Christmas season
2 | How to engage people who only come to church once a year
3 | The importance of thanking your worship team
4 | Proper worship leading preparation by worshiping through your set list
5 | Not to neglect REST before you lead worship!
Want some more help preparing for Christmas? Get the FREE 7 Day Devotional - 7 Days To Leading Christmas Worship Well!
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.