5 Ways to Build Your Worship Team's Confidence
As leaders, your team should know where they're going and how they're going to get there. When they can do that confidently, they will lead well.
Here are 5 ways to build your worship team's confidence:
1 | Let them make decisions
People like to be involved in decision making. Let your worship team start making some decisions. That could be picking new songs to introduce. Or letting them arrange a song. Letting your team make some of these decisions can build their confidence as they are no longer just executing a plan that was given to them but one that they helped create.
2 | Let them listen to recordings
Chances are - if you've never let your team listen to a recording of themselves, they have no idea what they sound like.
When you let your team listen to themselves, one of two things will happen because there are real benefits to it! Either they will realize that they sound better than they thought they did OR they will gain valuable insight on how they can improve their leading. As they fix their mistakes, they will recognize that they're making progress thus building their confidence.
3 | Get your congregation involved
Have your church write letters of encouragement to your team. Identify a few people and reach out to them asking if they would be willing to encourage your team. Collect a few letters then read them at a rehearsal.
4 | Invest in them musically
When your team increases their skill, they will feel more confident. Have a special gathering where you are strictly focused on becoming better musicians. Or sit down with your team and watch a workshop that teaches them some aspect of leading. Whatever it is, equip your team so they feel prepared to lead worship.
Or try one of these ways to musically invest in your team!
5 | Give them what they need earlier
Sometimes, your team just needs more time to prepare. Ask your team members if they feel like they have enough time to learn their parts for when they lead worship. If the answer is no, find out how much time they need to prepare and try your best to get them what they need earlier.
5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.