
3 Ways To Overcome Stage Fright For Worship Leaders

There's no doubt about it: leading worship for the first time (or first 10 times) can be scary.

You are, after all, in front of people and it's nerve-wracking.

What if you mess up? What if you forget the lyrics? What if you end up on @worshipfails?…

3 Tips For Better Transitions Between Worship Songs

Transitions are one of the harder things to figure out when it comes to leading worship. At first, it seems like the task of leading worship is to just pick some songs and play them. Of course, as you lead for a while, you quickly realize it's much more than that. Musically, it's not just about picking random songs and playing them. It's about figuring out how the songs work together. It's about finding how to navigate between different keys, fast songs and slow songs, and whatever else you have going on in your worship gathering…

3 Keys To Leading Worship With Confidence

What do you do when you aren't confident in your leading? You rush through the songs and just try to get them over with. You don't take time to speak because you're afraid of how it's going to come across. And at the end of it all, you feel like things could have gone better if you would have just been a bit more trusting…

3 Ways To Help A Worship Vocalist Become More Confident

Do you have a vocalist on your team who is really good but just needs to be more confident? Confidence is one of the biggest problems for new team members. It feels awkward for them to sing in front of people because they aren't used to it. The result is a timid voice that has technique issues simply because they aren't singing out confidently. A timid vocalist has trouble hitting notes, leading with energy, and blending with other members of the team…