3 Ways To Overcome Stage Fright For Worship Leaders
There's no doubt about it: leading worship for the first time (or first 10 times) can be scary.
You are, after all, in front of people and it's nerve-wracking.
What if you mess up? What if you forget the lyrics? What if you end up on @worshipfails?
But, God doesn't want you to lead with a spirit of timidity - He's given you a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline (see 2 Timothy 1:7).
Here are 3 ways to overcome stage fright for worship leaders:
1 | Put in the proper preparation
Overcoming nervousness on stage starts before you ever make it to Sunday morning. It starts in your preparation.
As with anything in life, the more PREPARED you are - the more CONFIDENT you are.
There is a direct correlation between preparation and confidence.
So, put in the necessary work beforehand so you can feel confident when you lead.
That means running through your set list, practicing transitions, and whatever else you need to do to feel confident headed into Sunday morning.
2 | Realize it's not about YOU
The hard truth is that nervousness is actually PRIDE in disguise.
Think about it. Why are you nervous? Because you're afraid you're going to mess up and it will make you look bad.
Therefore, one of the keys to overcoming nervousness is to gain a proper perspective of your worship leading and understand that it's not about you.
I'm sure you already knew that but dwell on it. Keep it at the forefront of your mind as you lead. Make it the fundamental understanding of your worship leading.
3 | Repetition
The more you do something the more comfortable you become with it.
It's really that simple.
Put in the repetitions of worship leading - you've got 52 Sundays a year to make it happen. And 10 or 15 weeks in, you'll know way more than you did before and feel way more confident than when you first started.—God isn't asking you to have everything perfect before you start, he's just asking you to start and allow him to guide you in the process.
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5 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Worship Leading
FREE AUDIO TRAINING: Discover 5 simple tips that will instantly improve your worship leading.